Hi, I'm Derek.
If you like my pictures, drop me a line!
My e-mail address is: derek.feldman@gmail.com

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graffiti Heart

Graffiti on a train in Williams Grove, PA. The train's gone now, regretfully.


Another one from Kitty Hawk. D90, same lens. The turtle was pretty interested in what I was doing on the other end of its log.


Alexis, Kitty Hawk, NC. Taken with 75-300mm telephoto.

Still Life

A third image from the Mechanicsburg house. This one is of furniture in the servants' quarters. By servants' quarters, I mean an attic room with really low ceilings. You could also use it to store things... like irritating in-laws.


These are chairs in the living room of the house from the first image. I took both with a Nikon D90 and an 18-108mm lens.

Open Doors

This was taken at an abandoned house in Mechanicsburg, PA. I love all the doors in the picture, and especially the shadow behind the open door. =]